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网剧特别篇肖峰扮演者 肖峰的中青政院教授


  1. 网剧特别篇肖峰扮演者
  2. 肖峰的中青政院教授




肖峰,博士,现为中国青年政治学院教授,中国马克思主义学院常务副院长,科学与公共事务研究所所长,中国社会科学院科技与社会研究中心兼职研究员;北京师范大学科学与人文研究中心兼职教授,中国图书馆协会理事,中国自然辩证法研究会技术哲学专业委员会委员,执委,中国工程哲学研究会理事,北京市哲学会理事。 《信息主义:从社会观到世界观》,中国社会科学出版社,2010年。











《理性的艺术》,农村读物出版社,1989年。 自1985年以来在《中国社会科学》、《哲学研究》、《哲学动态》、《自然辩证法通讯》、《自然辩证法研究》、《光明日报》等刊物上发表论文和学术文章180余篇,其中数十篇被《新华文摘》、《中国社会科学文摘》、《哲学动态》、《中国哲学年鉴》、《高等学校文科学术文摘》、《人大报刊复印资料》、《社会科学文萃》等转载,从清华同方学术期刊数据库(97年以后)中可以查到数十次引用的记录。














“论实践过程的分化”,《哲学研究》1986年第11期。 2004-2006 博士,土木工程交通工程专业, 香港科技大学

2001-2004 硕士,土木工程交通工程专业, 清华大学

1997-2001 学士,土木工程结构工程, 清华大学 2011.3至今 教授,交通运输与物流学院,西南交通大学。

2007.9-2011.2 博士后, 土木与环境工程系, 加州大学戴维斯分校。

2007.2-2007.8 交通规划师, Maunsell 咨询公司亚洲分部, 香港。

2004-2007 助理研究员, 土木工程系, 香港科技大学。 [1] Qian, Z., *Xiao, F.* and Zhang, H.M., 2011. The economics of a  competitive parking market for the morning commute. Accepted for *the 19th  ISTTT*; and for Publication in *Transportation Research Part A*.

[2] *Xiao, F.**.* *Investment, pricing and efficiency of private road with  heterogeneous trip-makers.* The Third International Conference on  Transportation Engineering (ICTE 2011)*

[3] *Xiao, F.*, Qian, Z. and Zhang, H.M., 2010. Morning commute problem with  coarse toll and nonidentical commuters. *Networks and Spatial Economics*,11  August 2010, 1-27.

[4] Yang, H. and *Xiao, F.*, 2009. Private road competition and equilibrium  with traffic equilibrium constraints. *The Journal of Advanced  Transportation *36(2), 169-185.

[5] *Xiao, F.*, Yang, H., 2008. Efficiency loss of private road with  continuously distributed value of time. *Transportmetrica *4(1), 19-32.

[6] *Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. and Han, D.R., 2007. Competition and efficiency of  private toll roads.*Transportation Research Part B *41(3), 292-308.

[7] *Xiao, F.* and Yang, H., 2007. Three-player game-theoretic model over a  freight transportation network. *Transportation Research Part C *15(4),  209-217.

  [8] *Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. and Guo, X.L., 2007. Bounding the inefficiency of  toll competition among congested roads. *Transportation and Traffic Theory  2007(ISTTT17) *(edited by Richard E. Allsop), Elsevier, 27-54. Imperial  college London, UK. [1] Qian, Z., *Xiao, F.* and Zhang, H.M. The economics of a competitive  parking market for the morning commute. 19th International Symposium on  Transportation and Traffic Theory . July 18-20, 2011, Berkeley, California,  US.

[2] *Xiao, F.* and Zhang, H.M. Pareto-Improving Toll and Subsidy Scheme for  Transportation Networks. The Transportation Research Board 90th Annual  Meeting. January 22-26, 2011, Washington, D.C., US.

[3] *Xiao, F.*, Qian, Z. and Zhang, H.M. The Morning Commute Problem with  Coarse Toll and Nonidentical Commuters. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Octobor   11-14, 2009, San diego, US.

[4] *Xiao, F.* and Zhang, H.M. Bounding the inefficiency of price and  investment competition in an oligopoly market. The Transportation Research  Board 88th Annual Meeting. January 11-15, 2009, Washington, D.C., US.

[5] *Xiao, F.* Investment, pricing and efficiency of private road with  heterogeneous trip-makers. 2008 International Conference of Chinese  Logistics and Transportation Professionals. October 07-09, 2008, Chengdu,  China.

[6] *Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. and Guo, X.L. Bounding the inefficiency of toll  competition among congested roads. 17th International Symposium on  Transportation and Traffic Theory . July 23-25, 2007, Imperial College,  London, UK.

[7] *Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. and Guo, X.L. Efficiency loss of private toll road  competition. The 11th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation  Studies. December 09-13, 2006, Hong Kong.

[8] *Xiao, F.* and Yang, H. Competition and equilibria of private toll roads  with elastic demand. The Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting.  January 22-26, 2006, Washington, D.C., US.

[9] *Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. Three-player game-theoretic model over a freight  transportation network. The 1st International Conference on Transportation  Logistics. July 27-29, 2005, Singapore.

[10] *Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. and Han, D.R. Analysis of the inefficiency of  private toll road competition. The 10th Conference of Hong Kong Society for  Transportation Studies. December 9-13, 2005, Hong Kong.

